27 June 2024 – Psalm 58

There is truly a reward for those who live for God

Psalm 58:11(NLT) states: Then at last everyone will say, “There truly is a reward for those who live for God; surely there is a God who judges justly here on earth.” The final verses of the psalm speak about David’s confidence that God will bring about justice that has been lacking. The wicked will be judged, and the righteous will be rewarded.

In this verse, David expresses that the righteous will receive a reward. Similarly, Paul echoes this sentiment in Colossians 3:23-25(NLT) stating: Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ. But if you do what is wrong, you will be paid back for the wrong you have done. For God has no favorites.

In this world, you may be rewarded unfairly. However, for those who live for God, there is a fair reward. God will sweep the wicked away, as stated in Psalm 58:9(NLT) God will sweep them away, both young and old, faster than a pot heats over burning thorns.

Remember, although you may feel that you have been treated unfairly and everything is working against you, remember if God is for you, who can be against you. Hebrews 12:28-29(NLT) says: Since we are receiving a Kingdom that is unshakable, let us be thankful and please God by worshiping him with holy fear and awe. For our God is a devouring fire.

I conclude with Psalm 58:10 from the New Life Version, which states: The one who is right and good will be full of joy when he sees the sinful punished. He will wash his feet in their blood.

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