31 July 2021 – The place of Breakthrough

2 Samuel 5:20 (NIV) “So David went to Baal Perazim, and there he defeated them. He said, “As waters break out, the Lord has broken out against my enemies before me.” So that place was called Baal Perazim.

What does the name Baal-perazim mean? Well, the word Baal just means “Lord,” and the word perazim means “breach” or “breakthrough.” So Baal-perazim means “Lord of the Breakthrough.” That is exactly why David named the place where God broke through his enemies “Baal-perazim.” God is a God of breakthroughs.

A breakthrough is a dramatic development, a sudden shift, a move beyond an obstacle.

David describes God’s power as the bursting forth of waters. He describes it as a flood. He says that when the God of the breakthrough shows up and releases His power, it will be like a flood of His power, a flood of His blessing, a flood of healing, a flood of breakthrough.

Water is powerful. A flood of water can pick up a huge stone and move it around. Nothing can stop the force of that water. Anything that’s in its way is moved!

You may many have problems that look extremely large, obstacles that look impossible to overcome. When the God of the breakthrough releases a flood of His power, nothing can stop it. You need to get ready for a flood, not for a small stream. Get ready for a flood of God’s favour, a tsunami of His goodness and favour! Believe that your breakthrough is here.

Micah 2:13 (NIV) “The One who breaks open the way will go up before them; they will break through the gate and go out. Their King will pass through before them, the Lord at their head.”

God is the Lord of breakthroughs.

Hebrews 12:12 (NLT) “So take a new grip with your tired hands and strengthen your weak knees. 13 Mark out a straight path for your feet so that those who are weak and lame will not fall but become strong.”

Deuteronomy 9:3 (AMP) “So know today [with confident assurance] that the Lord your God is crossing [the Jordan] before you like a devouring fire. He will destroy them and He will subdue them before you, and you shall drive them out and destroy them quickly, just as the Lord has promised you”

“The greatest breakthrough happens in the most difficult of times. Expect, believe and receive it.” ― Jeanette Coron

Have a breakthrough today.

Daniel Fast Registration

Join us in a time of prayer and fasting

1 – 21 February 2021