GENESIS 26:1-3 ;12-14; 19-22



  • This was a third famine that took place during the life of three Patriachs (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob)
  • Isaac wanted to follow his father’s example by going to Egypt because of the famine in Gerar.

1. Egypt was not an option and but God’s command

  • When the land of Gerar was dry (famine) and unfruitful, God knew that Egypt (the kind of the World) was not an option.
  • Famine was in the land not in the Lord God almighty.
  • God knew why Isaac was not fit to be in the Egyptian soil-weaknesses-unlike his father Abraham and his son Jacob who went to Egypt.
  • Isaac’s history starts with the same trials as the history of Abraham the father, woman and going to Egypt.
  • The instruction was very clear, do not go down to Egypt, remain in the land of Gerar.(2 Corinthians 1: 20)
  • God said (stay in the land) where God has promised great things and blessings.(Philippians1:6)
  • The words stay/dwell remain-in Hebrew language shaw-kau, which means to permanently reside, stay, abide or continuously remain.
  • God promised Isaac that he will bless him.
  • The word “bless” in Hebrew- Barak- means also give benefits.
  • God said that to Isaac if you stay in the land, there are benefits of staying. John 15:7.
  • Isaiah 1: 19

“If you are willing and obedient ,you will eat the best from the land.”

  • Isaac had to cleave onto his covenant promise for him to get great rewards.

just because the land God told you to abide or remain in, is dry, it does not qualifies you to go down to Egypt- kind of the world.

  • The land is in famine, but in Jehovah Jireh there is no scarcity of provision/resources.
  • If you dwell/stay/remain/abide in this for a while and I will bless you.
  • I will be with you, my presence, my protection will be with you.
  • These blessings were conditional, if you stay in the land(land of promise).
  • Outside the land(the Lord) there is no God’s supply.
  • 1Kings 17:4-6

Then the word of the Lord came to Elijah: “ Leave here ,turn eastward and hid in the Kerith-Revine, east of the Jordan.You will drink from the brook , I have directed the ravens to supply you with food there.”

So he did what the Lord had told him. He went to the Kerith- Revine, east of the Jordan, and stayed there.The ravens brought him breadand meat in the morning, and bread and meat in the evening, and he drank from the brook.

  • Elijah is told to go to Jordan river (principal river of Palestine) where the ravens will find him.
  • 1Kings 17:7-10
  • The window at Zarephath (Elijah’s next divine Provision)
  • A Bad example of leaving land of God’s promises are Elimelech and Naomi- going to Moabites-leaving Bethlehem-Judah the house of bread-famine (Ruth 1;1-22).
  • Remain/abide in Christ then blessings will follow.


  • In the land there are temptations but after that blessings follow.
  • In the midst all the troubles do not be move but stay in the land and God will bless you.
  • When you stay in the land you will reap/harvest hundred-fold in the midst the famine and pagans (v-12).
  • Philippians 1:6

Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the of Christ Jesus.”

  • Remain/staying in the land brings hundred-folds.
  • Isaac became a very wealthy man and jealous began from Philistines.
  • When God bless, there will be some jealousy that arise against you, but God will protect you.
  • The philistines closed/stopped the wells which Abraham dug with earth/soil .v.16.
  • -They can take what is touchable but not when God’s favour upon you.
  • Do not loose your sight because of the touchable blessings/provision but you must put your eyes on the blesser-God.
  • There is no barren land before God, if you stay in the land.
  • A hundred-fold was a rare and large produce-out of your crops you lost nothing.
  • Jesus said “If you remain in me and my words remain in you” …JOHN 15:7

Daniel Fast Registration

Join us in a time of prayer and fasting

1 – 21 February 2021