John 9: 1-4

  • This passage is about the healing of a Blind man that proves the truth of Jesus’ statements.
  • Jesus’ claims are not just theories that can be refuted but are verified by His miracles.
  • Jesus Christ our Lord gave clarity about the blindness of the man and mentioned that neither him or parents sinned. (John 9:3)
  • His blindness was not caused by some act disobedience but this happened so that the work God mighty be displayed.
  1. Working the works of God

 John 9: 4A

  • Here Jesus our Lord identifies the disciples with Himself in the redemption of the His mission. (John 14: 12-14)
  • We are here on earth on God’s appointment to carry out the divine assignment of God in whatever the podium or occupation that God called us. “We are God’s Fellow Workers ……”(1 Corinthians 3: 9)
  • The Lord Jesus was saying that we must manifest His working power.
  • As the Father has sent Jesus Christ, so is Christ sending us.
  • We must prepare for the task at hand.
  • We must be consumed and be permeated by the works of Him who sent us. (John 4: 33-35)
  • We must be pre-occupied by with fulfilment of God ‘s agenda. (Acts 1: 4-7)
  • Christ Jesus constantly reminded the His disciples about His works/agenda that they had to carry.
  • Acts 1: 6- Shows that the disciples were still pre-occupied by the restoration of the Kingdom of Israel.
  • The words written by an unknown author say “Pray God’s agenda not your”.
  • Work while is still day-the day’s work is determined by the Master.

John 9: 4B

  • The day here signifies the active days of your life.
  • It represents the industrious days of your life.
  • The Sun was going over the Holy city on that Sabbath day.
  • He said we must work while it is day.
  • The days of our lives are for God’s labour.
  • We learn that there is time for everything. (Ecclesiastes 3:1 & 11
  • We must serve the Lord with all diligence in the days of our life.
  • When we work in the day, we stumble not – you have the light of the day.
  • Your day is the period when your strength and breath is in you.
  • Work is done at God’s designated time.

John9: 4C

  • This was Christ’s most solemn statement.
  • Christ knew that the end of His earthly life and ministry were near, every moment of life was significant.
  • The Lord Jesus was bringing the urgency for God’s work to be done.
  • Christ did His work and finish it. (John 19: 30)
  • This was a powerful reflection over life here on earth.

Daniel Fast Registration

Join us in a time of prayer and fasting

1 – 21 February 2021